Are applications for the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program being accepted yet?

Yes.  On June 29, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) began accepting applications.  HHS posted on its website the Official Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) Application, application instructions, FAQs about the program, and a new document “Application Submission Dos and Don’ts.”

Applications are not being accepted electronically.  Instead, a hard copy of the signed original ERRP Application (i.e., not a photocopy) and any Attachments must be mailed or hand delivered to the address listed in the Application.

However, claims reimbursements are not yet being processed.  HHS will update its website to indicate when claims will be accepted.  HHS FAQs emphasize that the application process is separate from the claims process.  In other words, it is not important to be the first application submitted; instead, the critical step in receiving reimbursement is actually the submission of the request for claims reimbursement.

For more background information on the ERRP generally, see our previous alert.

Today’s post was contributed by Maureen Maly and Cynthia Lee.

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