Even Brain Surgeons Make Dumb Decisions

Jay Schindler may be a neurosurgeon, but that didn’t stop him from making a bonehead move in his relations with his employer, Regional Health Physicians (RHP), in South Dakota. RHP hired Schindler to practice neurosurgery.  Two years later, he developed various back-related physical issues that interfered …

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New Guidance on Employee Notice of Exchanges

On May 8, the DOL issued eagerly anticipated guidance regarding the notice of health insurance exchanges that employers must distribute to employees during 2013, including model notices that employers may use to satisfy the notice obligation. The first model notice applies to employers who offer a health plan …

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Employer Notice of Health Insurance Exchanges Officially Delayed

As anticipated in our earlier post, the DOL has officially delayed the Notice of Health Insurance Exchanges.  We’ll provide more analysis of the most recent DOL FAQs in later posts, but Q1 of the 11th set of DOL health care reform FAQs states that employers are not required to provide the Notice by March 1, …

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Employer Notice of Health Insurance Exchange Likely Extended

As the end of 2012 comes to an end, we look forward to 2013, and March 1 isn't far away. March 1, 2013 is currently set as the date that employers were expected to have a notice of exchanges to employees. Recent informal comments, though, suggest that the DOL will extend that deadline. The DOL is interpreting …

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Planning Ahead for 2013 Notice of Exchange

This week, the Department of Health and Human Services issued detailed regulations on the establishment of exchanges, the rights of states and notices required from the exchanges.  The regulations, which will be officially published on March 27, 2012, did not cover the notice required by employers.  Employers …

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Annual Enrollment Materials and Welfare Notices

You may be preparing materials and notices for an upcoming annual enrollment period. Health care reform and other recent laws have added or changed several notices that are required before the next plan year starts (1/1/2011 for calendar-year plans). The agencies have provided several model notices to assist with …

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