The health care reform statute provides that "essential health benefits" must be defined to include the following categories of services: Ambulatory patient services; Emergency services; Hospitalization; Maternity and newborn care; Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral …
I hear that beginning in 2011, the value of group health plan benefits has to be reported on Form W-2. Does this mean the benefits are taxable?
No. While it is true that employers must begin reporting the value of certain group health plan benefits on employees’ Form W-2 wage reports beginning in 2011, the benefits are NOT currently subject to taxation. For now, the government has stated that these benefits are being reported for informational …
Are employer-sponsored group health plans covering retirees subject to health care reform?
Maybe. If both active employees and retirees are combined in one plan, then health care reform applies, even to the retiree portion of the plan. However, plans that are separate and do not include any active employees – so called “retiree-only” plans – may avoid government enforcement of health care …
What happens if an insured plan loses grandfather status?
Insured plans need to determine the importance of grandfather status compared to the additional regulation for non-grandfathered plans. As a practical matter, insurance providers will likely make this decision, but the employer should be aware of these issues. We recently discussed the implications for …
Are applications for the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program being accepted yet?
Yes. On June 29, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) began accepting applications. HHS posted on its website the Official Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) Application, application instructions, FAQs about the program, and a new document “Application Submission Dos and …
What health care reform changes should employers be thinking about right now?
The following health care reform changes are already effective for 2010: For federal tax purposes, imputation of income no longer required for health coverage of children age 26 or younger Breaks required for nursing mothers Adoption assistance program limit can be increased Early Retiree Reinsurance Program …